And you can pull a Fibre Channel cable between your servers and switch to simulate a broken FC cable; you can disable one switch port of your server/ storage to simulate a switch failure. 您可以在服务器之间拉起FibreChannel电缆和交换机,以模拟坏掉的FC电缆;您可以禁用服务器/存储器的某个交换机端口,以模拟交换机失败。
Only when the accident happened to the machine did they pull down the switch. 知道机器发生了故障,他们才拉下开关。
When a potential victim arrives via Google, the criminals pull a switch, redirecting the visitor to another page with bad code. 当潜在受害者通过谷歌访问该网站时,犯罪分子进行一下切换,就会将访问者重新引导向至另一个嵌入了恶意代码的页面。
While holding the release button depressed, pull the knob and shaft out of the headlamp switch. 保持钮的按住状态,将按钮和轴拉出开关。
You make sure the gear-lever's in neutral and the hand-Brake's on; then you pull out the choke and switch on the engine. Then you push down the clutch pedal. 你要肯定排档杆在空档,手闸要煞住;然后,拔出阻气门,开动发动机。然后踩下离合器踏板。
Momentarily pull and then release the wash button on the stalk switch. 拉一下,然后释放开关孔上的冲洗按纽。
A fused disconnect switch assembly includes a pull out fuse assembly and a switch housing assembly. 保险丝断路开关装置包括一个拔出型保险丝装置和一个开关外壳装置。
Pull the switch out from the mounting hole in the door opening far enough to access the wire harness connector. 从车门洞里的固定孔中将开关拉出足够远,以便能处理线束接头。
Boss, you can't pull a switch like this on the publicity department. 天哪,你们别这么整公开部门。
Pull plug off switch for sliding roof. 从滑动天窗开关上拔下插头。
Pull the power mirror switch away from the trim panel far enough to access the wire harness connector. 从装饰板拉电动视镜开关足够远,找到线束接头。
As you slide the leg back slowly move your head forward as if it is being left behind the movement and then pull it back towards the body as you switch to the other foot. 当你的脚慢慢向后滑动时,稍稍把头向前移动,就好像头部的动作慢一拍一样。当你转到另一只脚时再把头伸回来。
Design of TTL Circuits with Push-pull Output Construction by Means of Switch-signal Theory 用开关信号理论指导具有推挽输出结构的三值TTL电路的设计
Using the strategy, the converter overcomes the drawbacks presented by the conventional push pull converter, such as magnetic aberration, large switch loss, and voltage spike on switches, so it can get higher efficiency, and a wider application area. 在这种控制方式下该变换器克服了传统推挽变换器存在的偏磁现象、开关损耗大、开关管有电压尖峰等缺点,使得其变换效率更高,有更广的应用范围。